ETV 2024
July 7-13th
ETV is a week-long summer camp for Highschool students focused on helping students enjoy the best environment possible to hear from and respond to Christ. The week is packed with fun, friendship, and personal growth in Jesus Christ. Come “Experience the Valley” in Tygh Valley, Oregon.
At ETV we spend the week processing and responding to the gospel message about Jesus Christ and the relationship he is inviting us into with him. Our teaching, singing, discussions, prayer times, and forums are all focused around this goal.
ETV is sponsored by a collection of church student ministries who seek to serve each other while serving our students in this amazing week. Students must attend ETV with one of our sponsoring churches. Church leaders: for more information about your church joining the ETV team, contact Mathias ([email protected])
$375 (if registered after June 16th, $415)
Payment is handled with Ministry Leader.
ETV will provide transportation to and from camp. Meeting locations will be released at a later date. See your Ministry Leader for more information.
.Camp Address:
Wasco County Fairgrounds, 81849 Fairgrounds Rd. Tygh Valley, Oregon, 97063
What to Bring:
Warm/cool clothes, Bible, notebook & pen, toothbrush/paste, shampoo, pillow, sleeping bag, athletic swimwear, socks, plastic bag for wet/dirty clothes, sunscreen, sunglasses, jeans, closed-toed shoes for service project, day pack, quarters for shower ($1 per 7 minutes of water), and personal waterbottles.
More Information?
Contact Ministry Leader for more information about registration and payment as well as any other camp questions.
The ETV Experience
Rafting, Service Project, Dufur Day, Worship, Night Activities, Forums, Tent Discussions, Bible Reading, and Meeting Great People.
Bethel, Harvest, Gateway, The Well, Journey, Hockinson, Felida Bible, South Hills, and Laurelwood Baptist